Saturday, January 10, 2009

Trailer Park: The Last House on the Left

The Last House on the Left has been sitting on my sister's DVD shelf for years, untouched by me, a chick who has been watching Wes Craven movies since she was 10. Despite its cult classic status, I was never interested in watching it. Why would I want to see someone getting raped?

Then of course, came the remake news, and I just pondered if it was really necessary.

The trailer for Last House recently hit the interwebs and as I have a fondness for certain cast members, I checked it out. And you can check it out as well below!

It's a pretty good trailer. It doesn't even bother me that much that it spoils the entire film. I know I recently criticized Friday the 13th for doing the same thing, but with that movie, I already know what to expect. That movie already has my 8,80 euro. I had no intention on watching the Last House remake, but this trailer grabbed my attention. I want to see Monica Potter and Tony Goldwyn get their revenge on Aaron Paul et al. on the big screen! I want to see how the duct tape scene ends!

Plus, Spencer Treat Clark is in it, and he's a talented young actor I like to see more of. And Sara Paxton manages to be one of those young actresses that doesn't bug the crap out of me.

Only.. Aaron Paul as a bad guy? Ever since Whatever It Takes and that Vanilla Coke commercial have I not been able to take him seriously. But kudos to him if he manages to pull it off! (Note: I actually do like him as an actor).

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